  1. 【2024-01】Integrating a heatscape index and a Patch CA model to predict land surface temperature under multiple scenarios of landscape composition and configuration. Sustainable Cities and Society. Jianxin Yang, Linxin Bao, Si Dong, Yuying Qiu, Jing Gao, Shisi Zou, Rong Tao, Xinzhu Fan, Xinyuan Yu.
  2. 【2023-12】中国县域城镇化:人口与土地空间匹配差异及影响因素. 中国土地科学. 任英健, 杨建新, 张重, 赵梓伯, 王警若, 王英格, 龚健.
  3. 【2023-03】A distance-driven urban simulation model (DISUSIM): Accounting for urban morphology at multiple landscape levels. Cities. Jianxin Yang , Shengbing Yang , Jingjing Li , Jian Gong , Man Yuan , Jingye Li , Yunzhe Dai , Jing Ye .
  4. 【2023-03】Simulating urban expansion using cellular automata model with spatiotemporally explicit representation of urban demand. Landscape and Urban Planning. Jianxin Yang , Wenwu Tang , Jian Gong , Rui Shi , Minrui Zheng , Yunzhe Dai.
  5. 【2023-03】Spatial Diffusion Waves of Human Activities: Evidence from Harmonized Nighttime Light Data during 1992–2018 in 234 Cities of China. Remote Sensing. Yang, Jianxin, Man Yuan, Shengbing Yang, Danxia Zhang, Yingge Wang, Daiyi Song, Yunzhe Dai, Yan Gao, and Gong Jian.
  6. 【2023-03】土地城市化过程的波纹扩散规律——基于中国234个地级市的实证分析. 中国土地科学. 杨建新 ,杨圣兵,石锐,袁满,任英健,叶菁董贤慧,高燕,龚健.
  7. 【2023-03】Evaluation of Future Trends Based on the Characteristics of Net Primary Production (NPP) Changes over 21 Years in the Yangtze River Basin in China. Sustainability. Yuzhou Zhang ,Jian Gong ,Jianxin Yang Jin Peng.
  8. 【2023-03】The Role of Tourism in Promoting the Urbanization of Ethnic Border Areas: A Case Study of Xishuangbanna. Sustainability. Jiao Yu,Jianxin Yang,Jiangfeng Li ,Ling Lin ,Yingjian Ren.
  9. 【2023-03】兰西城市群土地利用/覆被变化模式特征——基于强度分析框架. 资源科学. 李帅呈, 龚健, 杨建新, 陈光, 张重, 张木茜.
  10. 【2021-01】Urban development wave: Understanding physical spatial processes of urban expansion from density gradient of new urban land. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Jianxin Yang , Jingjing Li , Feng Xu , Shuaicheng Li , Minrui Zheng , Jian Gong.
  11. 【2022-01】不同空间聚类算法在识别优质集聚基本农田图斑中的应用及对比研究. 中国土地科学. 杨建新,刘 静,龚健,刘玉铃,朱江洪.
  12. 【2023-03】基于生态重要性和MSPA核心区连通性的生态安全格局构建 ——以桂江流域为例. 中国土地科学. 潘越 ,龚健 ,杨建新,杨婷,王玉.
  13. 【2022-02】AutoPaCA:耦合过程-模式的城镇空间增长模拟模型. 地球信息科学学报. 戴云哲,杨建新,龚健,叶菁,李靖业,李云.
  14. 【2022-01】Measuring Spatial Connectivity between patches of the heat source and sink (SCSS): A new index to quantify the heterogeneity impacts of landscape patterns on land surface temperature. Landscape and Urban Planning. Jing Gao , Jian Gong , Jianxin Yang , Jingye Li , Shicheng Li.
  15. 【2021-06】Assessment of Urban Ecological Quality and Spatial Heterogeneity Based on Remote Sensing: A Case Study of the Rapid Urbanization of Wuhan City. Remote Sensing. Li, Jingye, Jian Gong, Jean-Michel Guldmann, and Jianxin Yang.
  16. 【2020-09】Patch-based cellular automata model of urban growth simulation: Integrating feedback between quantitative composition and spatial configuration. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Yang Jianxin, Gong Jian,Tang Wenwu, Liu Cheng.
  17. 【2020-09】Spatial Simulation Modeling of Settlement Distribution Driven by Random Forest: Consideration of Landscape Visibility. Sustainability. Minrui Zheng,Wenwu Tang ,Akinwumi Ogundiran andJianxin Yang.
  18. 【2020-09】Agent-Based Land Change Modeling of a Large Watershed: Space-Time Locations of Critical Threshold. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. Tang Wenwu, Yang Jianxin.
  19. 【2020-06】Quantitative identification and spatial analysis of land use ecological-production-living functions in rural areas on China’s southeast coast. Habitat International. Zou, Lilin, Liu Yansui, Yang Jianxin, Yang Shengfu, Wang Yongsheng, Hu Xuedong.
  20. 【2020-03】Parallel landscape visibility analysis: A case study in archaeology. In book: High Performance Computing for Geospatial Applications, Springer Nature. Zheng Minrui, Tang Wenwu, Akin Ogundiran, Chen Tianyang, Yang Jianxin.
  21. 【2020-02】Spatial Simulation Modeling of Settlement Distribution Driven by Random Forest: Consideration of Landscape Visibility. Sustainability. Zheng Minrui, Tang Wenwu, Akin Ogundiran, Yang Jianxin.
  22. 【2020-02】基于POI数据的武汉市夏季热场主导因素多尺度分析. 长江流域资源与环境. 吴琼, 龚健, 杨建新.
  23. 【2019-11】Prioritizing Spatially Aggregated Cost-Effective Sites in Natural Reserves to Mitigate Human-Induced Threats: A Case Study of the Qinghai Plateau, China. Sustainability. Yang Jianxin, Gong Jian, and Tang Wenwu.
  24. 【2019-11】Delineation of Urban Growth Boundaries Using a Patch-based Cellular Automata Model under Multiple Spatial Scenarios. Sustainability. Yang Jianxin, Gong Jian,Tang Wenwu, Shen Yang, Liu Chunyan.
  25. 【2019-04】国家中心城市土地利用变化稳定性和系统性特征: 以武汉市为例. 资源科学. 杨建新, 龚健, 高静.
  26. 【2018-12】Big Geospatial Data Analytics for Global Mangrove Biomass and Carbon Estimation. Sustainability. Tang Wenwu, Zheng Minrui, Zhao Xiang, Shi Jiyang, Yang Jianxin, and Carl C. Trettin.
  27. 【2018-07】长沙都市区生境质量对城市扩张的时空响应. 地理科学进展. 戴云哲, 李江风, 杨建新.
  28. 【2017-08】 Land Use and Land Cover Change in the Qinghai Lake Region of the Tibetan Plateau and Its Impact on Ecosystem Services. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Gong Jian, Li Jingye, Yang Jianxin.
  29. 【2017-04】 利用夜间灯光数据的武汉城市空间格局演化. 遥感信息. 李靖业, 龚健, 杨建新, 李士成.
  30. 【2016-05】 基于LSSVM-CA 模型的复杂土地利用变化模拟——以鄂州市为例. 资源科学. 杨建新, 龚健, 李江风.
  31. 【2015-11】 Spatially Explicit Landscape-Level Ecological Risks Induced by Land Use and Land Cover Change in a National Ecologically Representative Region in Chin. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Gong Jian, Yang Jianxin, Tang Wenwu.
  32. 【2015-12】 基于植被初级生产力的农用地理论和可实现产能核算研究. 中国生态农业学报. 李亚芳, 龚健, 杨建新, 金清霞.
  33. 【2014-11】基于案例推理元胞自动机的农村居民点变化模拟. 资源科学. 龚健, 杨建新, 李亚芳.
  34. 【2014-06】中部粮食主产区土地利用变化及其驱动机制研究——以湖北省鄂州市为例. 水土保持研究. 龚健, 杨建新, 张志, 黄如辉.
  35. 【2014-04】区域土地利用格局变化及驱动因素研究–以湖北省鄂州市为例. 国土资源科技管理. 张志, 龚健, 杨建新, 马冉.